Dokumenter & Ressourcer

Åbent Bibliotek

I denne sektion kan du finde dokumenter, reporter, værktøjer og udvalgte undersøgelser, der relaterer sig til centrale emner i AMARE-EU projektet, f.eks. hvordan byers resiliens kan styrkes i et multikulturelt miljø.

Åbent Bibliotek

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Major hazards, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees : Their inclusion in disaster preparedness and management
AUTHOR: Bertrand Pauvert, John Twigg, Silvio Sagramola
YEAR: 2017
ABSTRACT: Since a couple of years, countries increased their efforts regarding the disaster preparedness and the emergency situations management. But measures taken by governments to include migrants, asylum seekers and refugees into those plans are really uncommon...
How to react in the event of a chemical attack?
AUTHOR: The Government’s Information Service
YEAR: 2016
ABSTRACT: In 2016, official inphographics have been realized by the French Government in order to prevent civilian populations from disaster risks. In this particular document, the treated topic is the reflexes civilians should adopt in case a chemical attack occurs. Thanks to this inphographics, which are understadable by a person who wouldn’t speak french or english...
Plan Familial de Mise en Sûreté (PFMS) / Safe keeping family plan
YEAR: 2010
ABSTRACT: The crisis management preparedness is both the responsability of public authorities and citizens. This guide will help families to be autonomous during a crisis by developing a safe keeping family plan. It can be realized directly with his own family in order to reinforce his capacity to overcome those tough situations thanks to a knowledge about the following topics...
How to prepare in case of a tsunami - Disasters
AUTHOR: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
YEAR: 2016
ABSTRACT: In 2016, the IFRC realized a couple of videos in order to protect civilians from different disaster risks. In those videos, people will be able to learn about different risks and to know how to react in order to protect themselves and the others. Here the video deals with tsunamis...
Wildfire, Prevent it and be protected from it
AUTHOR: The French Government
YEAR: 2018
ABSTRACT: This national prevention poster has been realized by the French Government in 2018 in order to increase awareness about wildfires and inform civilian populations about the good practices to adopt in order to avoid it and stay safe. This document is well illustrated. People can understand almost everything without knowing speaking french...

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Dokumenter & Ressourcer

(ENG) AMARE-EU Toolkit

The aim of the AMARE-EU toolkit is to support cities in building resilient communities without leav- ing behind those who could be at high risk of exclusion and who, in case of a disaster, could be exposed to severe consequences caused by a lack of knowledge, awareness and therefore preparedness.
The toolkit provides suggestions, examples and concrete solutions to enhance resilience in local communities, reduce risks and bring non-native citizens and volunteers into resilience and emergency planning.


(ITA) Amare Leaflet

La resilienza di una città è la sua capacità di rispondere alle difficoltà, alle emergenze o a eventi ad alto impatto in modo positivo e costruttivo. Questa risposta dovrebbe guidare in modo efficace un processo di ripresa costruttivo, coinvolgendo tutti gli elementi di complessità che caratterizzano le città di oggi: cultura, società, diversità economica e patrimonio culturale locale. Tutto ciò con l’obiettivo di ottenere una ripresa effettiva e di lungo periodo per la città e per tutti i suoi abitanti.


(GER) Amare Leaflet

Die Resilienz einer Stadt wird dargestellt durch ihre Fähigkeit auf Schwierigkeiten, Notfälle oder belastende Ereignisse in einer positiven und konstruktiven Weise zu reagieren. Die Reaktion sollte idealerweise zu einem konstruktiven Prozess der Wiederherstellung führen, der alle Aspekte der Komplexität wiederspiegelt durch die Städte heute charakterisiert sind: kulturelle, soziale und wirtschaftliche Diversität, zusammen mit einem lokalen, kulturellen Erbe. All dies um eine tiefgreifende und langzeitliche Erholung für die Stadt und ihre Einwohner zu erreichen.


(FRA) Amare Leaflet

L’engagement d’une ville se base sur sa capacité à répondre de façon positive et constructive aux événements complexes, urgents et anxiogènes. La réponse doit impérativement menée à un procédé de redressement impliquant tous les aspects complexes qui caractérisent les sociétés d’aujourd’hui : sur le plan social, culturel et de la diversité économique, ensemble avec leur héritage culturel local. Pour que toutes ces actions atteignent en profondeur, un rétablissement sur le long term des villes et de leurs habitants.


(ENG) Amare Leaflet

The resiliency of a city is its capacity to respond to difficulties, emergencies, or stressful events positively and constructively. This response should ultimately lead to a constructive recovery process involving all aspects of complexity that characterize the cities of today: cultural, social, and economic diversity, together with local cultural heritage. All this to achieve in-depth, long-term recovery of the city and all its inhabitants. Therefore, the resilience of a city is tested on its capacity not to leave behind groups that are considered most at risk because of economic, social, cultural, and linguistic factors.


(DAN) Amare Leaflet

En resilient by er kendetegnet ved dens kapacitet til at reagere på problemer, nødsituationer eller alarmerende episoder på en konstruktiv måde. Denne reaktion skal ultimativt lede til en konstruktiv genopbyggelsesproces, der involverer alle aspekter af den kompleksitet, som byer i dag består af både kulturelt, socialt og økonomisk, herunder også grundet den lokale kulturarv. Alt dette er for at opnå dybdegående og langvarig genopretning af byen for alle dets borgere.
