Newsletter #2

The last months of the AMARE-EU project have been marked by the emergency caused by the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. The questions that initiated our project (How to deal with emergencies in an increasingly multicultural society? How to build communities and territories that are truly resilient?) have become especially relevant. These topics were addressed by the final event Beyond the emergency: how to build a resilient community? which was held online (in Italian) on the 28th May 2020.

The AMARE-EU toolkit is now available on the project’s website: suggestions, examples and concrete solutions to enhance resilience in local communities. In English, Italian, French, German and Danish!

Africa e Mediterraneo journal on Emergency Resilience and Community

Issue 91 of the journal Africa e Mediterraneo, dedicated to Emergency, Resilience and Community, hosts a series of articles (in English and Italian) on the AMARE-EU project.

A video has been produced for each of the AMARE-EU pilot cities (Catanzaro, Heraklion, Rotterdam and Skopje), to tell how they are tackling the challenges for resilience.

If you want to discover more on the activities and outputs of the project, visit the website